Danna Hartline's articles
Do You Have Post Traumatic Church Syndrome?
Do You Have Post Traumatic Church Syndrome/ Is church a hard place for you? Do you struggle to get there every week? Then maybe you have post traumatic church syndrome. If you have confusion of what that even is, this article is a great place to start. It draws awareness to something many want to scoff at and deny. It’s hard to admit that church can be a place that actually hurts more than it helps. I think the word “Christian” in this article can easily be switched to “Mormon.” I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also to learn more about my mission, be sure to read the FAQ page. …
Labels Hurt
I once taught an amazing girl in fifth grade named Brittany Finch. Sadly, she had received a bad reputation. Her last two teachers made a point to warn me about her; her school counselor warned me as well. I was told that she was uncontrollable, had a history of suspensions, had no respect for authority, and would make this year of teaching pure hell. I was astonished by what the teachers told me. I’m kind of a stubborn person so maybe that’s why I wouldn’t buy into what I heard. But as I listened to their reports, I couldn’t help but think, “Give me a break! This girl is ten! …
Mary Hurren of the Willie Handcart Company
Although this is not related to church trauma, I am posting it as a pilot run! 🙂 (I want to make sure I know what I’m doing!) Plus, it’s a great story of faith and courage! 🙂 First podcast (in a YouTube format) coming soon!
ADAM Conference
Learn about how you can overcome church trauma or how to help those who have been hurt. The conference is an all-day event you don’t want to miss! I will be speaking for 45 minutes on this subject. Plus, there are many more great speakers! For more information and to order tickets, click here: http://www.mentalillnessmatters.com/events/adam/speakers/ For a taste of the subject I’ll touch on, read this: The Deep and Unspoken Church Ache