• Ashley Kaye's articles,  Effects of Trauma on the Family,  Healing,  lds culture,  Love

    Are you REALLY happy?

    There was a speaker at the last general conference, that told a story about a girl’s boyfriend that recently left the church and he said to her that “he has never been happier”. She asked how could that be possible? The speaker went on to quote scripture and stated, “there is simply no enduring joy outside of the gospel of Jesus Christ”. I actually agree with that statement but not in the way you think. Here is an epiphany that I had recently, “whatever you believe is what binds or frees you”. If you believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and you don't follow the rules and guidelines you…

  • Acceptance,  Empathy,  fellowshipping,  Gerry Baird articles,  Healing,  Love,  Mormon Culture

    Casting Stones

    All growing up, I dreamed of serving an LDS mission. I don’t know why I wanted it so much. Perhaps because it was expected of me. Maybe it was the idea of going on an adventure in a foreign country, learning a foreign language or getting away from Mom and Dad for a couple years that was most appealing. I had a testimony and wanted to share it, but when the time came there was a tough choice to make between a prophet’s commandment and a pretty girl. I chose the girl. This choice branded me in LDS culture. I was different. Being asked privately where I served a mission…

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